4 Tips for an Organized Household

Now that Labor Day has passed and students are back in school, it’s time to get organized for the school year (if you haven’t already!). Summer is officially winding down and it’s time to get in gear for those crazy days packed with dance lessons, football practice, homework, and all the other activities you and your family are involved in. With so much going on in everyone’s busy schedules, it’s easy to get flustered and overwhelmed. Life can get hectic, but the best we can do is get organized so here are a few tips to get your life in order.

Use a calendar: Yes, this is an obvious one, but it’s also something that we must stick to. Having a visual aide that shows exactly where everyone needs to be and when everything is due by is essential to organizing your life.

Designate a “catch-all” area in your home: A messy home can be a stressful home so at the end of the day when you’re exhausted and the kids just finished up with whatever extra curricular activities they are involved in, you’ll want to designate a spot, usually right at the entrance of your home by the garage, where you can drop everything from your keys, to backpacks, to leaving muddy shoes that don’t track dirt throughout the house. This will help keep the rest of your home organized and tidy. Plus, your mornings will be more efficient making it easy to get out of the house on time!

Create a family command center: Organize mail and memos in an accessible wall in your home. Use cork boards or file organizers to separate items by family member.

Download a family friendly app: These days everyone has a phone, including the kids. Make sure everyone is on the same page and stays in touch throughout the day with these family-friendly apps.

  • Wunderlist: Create lists from grocery shopping to chores and assign to family members to complete.
  • Cozi: Keep track of family schedules via this family planning app. Create tasks and even store recipes!


There you have it! Just a few tips to get you on your way to an organized household.


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