Spring Cleaning Tips

The weather is finally warming up again which means spring is right around the corner! While the sun might be out and the weather is getting nicer, our houses can still give us the winter blues. Spring cleaning is a chance for us to shed those blues and get ready for the busy spring and summer months. It can seem like a tough task which is why we have some tips to help you out. Open those blinds, crack the windows, and get cleaning! You can even get the little ones to help out too! Spring cleaning is also a necessary step in selling your home and spring is the best time to sell your home in Minnesota!



Throughout the colder months, we tend to hoard things and let the clutter build up. This is a chance for you to finally go through and clean that up. Start with three categories; throw away, give away, put away. Another helpful tip is to use the one-year rule. If you didn’t use it in the last year then throw or give it away. Don’t let your donation box sit around either, bring it to goodwill as soon as possible.


Clean top to bottom

Since you might not remember the last time you gave your house a deep cleanse it is important to work from the top to the bottom when cleaning. This will help work dirt, dust, and debris downward so you can sweep or vacuum it all up at the end.


Walls and windows

Don’t forget about your walls and windows. While you have your windows cracked, letting the fresh air in, make sure to clean both sides of them. Wipe down your walls as well to give your house a fresh start for the warmer months.


Air filters

Remember to switch out your air filters this time of year.  The air has been circulating in your house all winter which means it is time to change those filters. This will help will seasonal allergies as well as the new filters will catch all those pesky allergens in your house. Here’s a quick how-to for some help on switching out your filters!


Establish new habits

This is the perfect time to establish new habits. While you’re cleaning you might realize certain areas have been neglected more than others. Make note of those areas and work on cleaning them more consistently so next time it won’t be as much work.


Your house will thank you after your annual spring cleaning. Once you’re done you can sit back and relax in your freshly cleaned home but be sure to keep up with the cleaning throughout the year and enjoy the warm weather!

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